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Exam – electronic exam system
Article sections
HAMK uses electronic exams in the exam aquarium with the help of the EXAM system. Exams are taken under automatic access control, network, video and audio supervision.
Instructions for HAMK students
- HAMK student instructions
- The general instructions for students in the EXAM system can be found on the official website of the national EXAM consortium.
- An exam visit is possible in the higher education institutions presented on the EXAM consortium website.
N.B! Each higher education institution determines which software is available on EXAM computer. The student must find out whether the EXAM computers of the other higher education institution have the software needed for the exam.
Instructions for students coming to HAMK for an exam visit
Instructions for HAMK teachers
- Instructions for teachers: EXAM: Opettajan ohjeet
- Instructions for teachers, EXAM consortium pages
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