By default, the educational establishment is responsible for the legality of the material on their own web site. Regarding copyright, the administration of the site is not, however, responsible for the material of the site if it has complied with takedown requests, i.e. removed material informed by the copyright holder.
Takedown requests regarding HAMK website should be delivered by mail to the following address:
Häme University of Applied Sciences / Communications
P.O. Box 230
FI-13101 Hämeenlinna
The following information must be attached to the takedown request:
- The name and contact information of the person requesting takedown.
- The material specified, the prevention of which is requested as well as an account of the location of the material.
- An assurance by the requester of takedown that the material indicated in the takedown request is under the requesterâs honest opinion illegally available on the site.
- A notification that the requester has without any result shown their request to the content provider or that it has not been possible to identify the content provider.
- An assurance by the requester that they are the copyright or related right holder or entitled to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
- The signature of the requester.