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Purposes and criteria for MOOCs
Article sections
Uses of MOOCs at HAMK
- “teaser courses” for secondary level students .
- admission channel courses for higher education studies instead of / as an alternative to certificate-based admissions and entrance examinations.
- courses offered to supplement professional competence.
- increasing the impact of research units and research areas and making them visible to the wider public.
- societal impact, e.g. sustainable development.
MOOC criteria
- M (Massive)
- The number of participants in the course is unlimited, i.e. there is no upper limit for the number of enrolled students.
- The course is scaled to a large number of students
- The course is thought to be of interest to several target groups.
- The number of participants in the course is unlimited, i.e. there is no upper limit for the number of enrolled students.
- O (Open)
- The course is open to everyone, i.e. anyone can participate in the course.
- The right to participate is not restricted to certain target groups, such as students from HAMK or certain higher education institutions or other limited groups, such as teachers.
- There are no admission criteria for this course.
- However, prior knowledge may be recommended.
- The student does not need a HAMK user ID, but a user ID is necessary to self-register as a student in the online course.
- Taking the course is free of charge. Certificates and credits may be subject to a fee.
- The course is open to everyone, i.e. anyone can participate in the course.
- O (Online)
- The course is an online course, which means that the course can be completed entirely online.
- Starting studies as flexibly as possible.
- Students can start the course within a certain period of time.
- Registration at the end of the Open University of Applied Sciences course for students whose course assignments are graded as pass.
- Study schedule is as flexible as possible
- The materials are available to everyone, i.e. access to the material does not require a HAMK user ID.
- C (Course)
- In addition to the learning material, the course also includes active work/tasks to achieve the objectives and to obtain the credits.
- The course grants credits and its scope is 2-5 ECTS
- The course is available on HAMK’s official offering.
- Students receive an official study credit if they so wish by enrolling in the open university of applied sciences at the end of the course and paying the study fee.
- Students may choose to include the course in a HAMK degree (at least in optional elective studies).
- The EQF level is defined and the learning outcomes are in accordance with it
- A course can be part of a module.
Background material
Digicampus. 2022. MOOC course criteria
Koivumaa, M. & Dementjeff. N. 2022. Mikä on MOOC? Esitys Digipedagogiikan studiossa: Avoimen oppimisen hyvät käytänteet ja katsaus MOOCeihin korkeakoulukentällä 20.9.
Pajarre, E. 2022. Selvitys: Kansainväliset digipedagogiikan vertaisarvioinnit, Digivisio 2030.
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