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Here’s how to make a screen capture video
Article sections
With screen capture video, you can record the computer screen, sound and video image. There are different applications for screen capture that have certain characteristics. By familiarizing yourself with the listing on the page and the tool-specific instructions, and by experimenting, you will surely find the right tool for you.
You should also familiarize yourself with the screen capture memo list .
Take advantage of the screen capture, for example, when
- You want to make a work instruction: “do these steps with a computer program so that you get this as a result”
- You save a PowerPoint presentation in which you explain in more detail about the content of the different slides.
- Annotate: you use drawing tools or comment on the video, photos or other content playing on the screen.
The frame recording video is saved locally on your own computer. You can use the recording as part of another video or publish the video in Kaltura.
Tools for making screen capture videos
- With SOM, you can make a traditional screen capture, where the screen, web camera input and sound are recorded according to your choice. You can also add subtitles to the video semi-automatically and edit it if necessary.
- If you want to make a capture in smaller parts, when the so-called you don’t have to get everything ready at once, you can use the Scripting tool to prepare your video step by step. At the same time, subtitles and a spoken part are created for the video.
- Read more about SOM: Screencast-O-Matic for screen recording, editing and subtitling to produce.
PPT recording
- With PowerPoint’s own recording tool, you can make a video of your presentation, to which you can also attach a narration and a webcam image.
- The videos are recorded per slide, so you can take the narration of the slide that was lost and continue forward in the presentation. This way you don’t have to cut the video or start over every time.
- You can also take a screenshot with PowerPoint’s capture tool and insert it into a PowerPoint presentation.
- Read more about PPT recordings: screen recording with PowerPoint.
- With Kaltura’s Personal Capture tool, you can make a traditional screen capture, where the screen, web camera input and sound are recorded according to your choice.
- If you make a recording of a PowerPoint presentation, the content of the slides will be recognized automatically and a subtitle will be created for each slide using the Timeline function, help: Kaltura timeline.
- Read more about Kaltura Personal Capture application.
- OBS is a more advanced tool that enables many different functions related to capturing and recording image and sound.
- With OBS, you can make countless fine adjustments to your recording. You can import an image from a screen, web camera or video capture card. You can build different scans with different settings and use them as needed, as well as send and receive RTMP/RTSP streams.
- Due to the abundance of functionalities, the use may seem challenging at first, but after learning for a while, OBS is a suitable solution for many situations.
- Read more about OBS.
Teams and Zoom
You can also record the screen in Teams and Zoom sessions. Instructions for recording a Teams session and instructions for recording a Zoom session.
If you wish, you can use HAMK’s ready-made base as opening images or title slides, document download link.
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