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Kaltura Video Platform
Article sections
Kaltura video platform is used in HAMK. The service is provided us by CSC and NORDUnet. All the content is saved securely inside of EU. HAMK staff members and students are eligible to upload media content to the service with their HAMK credentials. Anonymous users are able to see the public media.
Kaltura: upload and share your video
Service structure
There are few categories on top of the page. The categories are pre-determined and only staff members have the right to publish directly to them.
- Education = public educational videos from HAMK
- HAMK = public promotional videos from HAMK
- Research = public videos from HAMK research units and projects
- Service Instructions = public video instructions of digital systems and services.
User channels
User channels -section offers a place for both student and staff videos. HAMK users are able to create their own channels and determine the publicity of the channel by themselves. The channels can be public worldwide or internal (open, restricted, private) which require login.
HAMK Open -channel is the official channel which can be used to publish videos inside of HAMK.
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