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Kaltura Hotspots
Article sections
With Kaltura Hotsot, you can create links to the Kaltura video, for example, link other materials to the video or link supplementary material.
Use Kaltura Hotspots when:
- you want to offer supplementary material to the things shown in the video at the exact moment when they are relevant when watching
- you want to link supplementary video material, e.g. when doing a calculation, offer a more detailed explanation of how to use the formula before moving forward with the actual video.
Quick guide
- Go to kaltura.hamk.fi. Log in.
- If necessary, upload the desired video to the service (help) or search for a video in the My Media listing (help).
- Open the video. From the video page, select Launch Editor from the Actions menu.
- Use the Hotspot tool to add link buttons to the places you want. You can modify their appearance, size, position and add text to them. Finally, save with the Save button.
- Go to kaltura.hamk.fi. Log in.
- If necessary, upload the desired video to the service (help) or search for a video in the My Media listing (help). (Prepare to open the websites you want to link to)
- Open the video. From the video page, select Launch Editor from the Actions menu or go to open the editor via the Edit button.
- On the left side, select Edit Hotspot.
- Find the point in the timeline where you want to create a hotspot.
Use the time separator or preview to navigate.- When a suitable spot is found, press the Add Hotspot button.
- Copy the web address of the video/web page to be linked into the Link field.
- If you want text for the link button, enter it in the Text field.
- You can adjust the button and text in the Advanced Settings menu.
- When you’re done, press Done.
- If you make more link buttons, the settings you make will be included in them by default.
- You can move the link button by dragging.
- You can customize the size of the box.
- You can edit the time and duration of the link button’s display.
- You can continue working in this way until you have made the desired number of buttons. Finally, save with the Save button.
- You can see the durations and text contents of all buttons in a summary after saving.
- Use the arrow key to exit editing mode. Confirm that you want to exit.
- You can watch the video you made and share it wherever you want (help).
- Note Due to the operating logic of the iPhone, the hotspot function is not enabled in the browser if the video is viewed on an iPhone. Hotspot works in the Kaltura MediaSpace Go app.
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