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Moodle profile information
Your name and email address are imported from other HAMK IT systems. They do not need to be updated.
Edit profile information and add an image
You can adjust your profile information and image after logging in by clicking on your name at the top right of the page and selecting Preferences > Edit Profile (under the username heading).
On the Edit profile page, you can set the profile picture User Picture> New Picture.
In addition, you may want to enter a phone number in the cell phone field so that you can receive SMS notifications about possible lesson cancellations.
The field can be found under the Optional Information heading. Note. the number must be added in international format: eg 040 123 4567 is entered in the format +358401234567.
Push the Update profile button to save the changes.
Change the default language in Moodle
You can change the default language in Moodle on the Preferences page.
Select the desired language, make your selection and Save changes.
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