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Moodle – the Official Learning Environment at HAMK
Article sections
System description
Moodle is a learning platform based on open source code, which is used in all HAMK and HAMI trainings. In Moodle, you can find workspaces for the implementations, where the work that takes place supports the learning process. Distribution of learning materials, assignments and their returns, and evaluation take place in Moodle. HAMK’s Moodle at
HAMK’s Moodle version is currently 3.9. The version update is usually done once a year.
Online learning environments, their use and limitations at HAMK
- Moodle ( is HAMK’s official online learning environment, designed and selected according to the official procurement and implementation process.
- It is easier for students if/when all online learning uses the same online learning environment.
- According to HAMK’s archive creation plan, the material that is the basis of the evaluations must be kept for one year (by law, half a year). Content backups are kept from Moodle for 18 months, so the required storage times are met. There is no backup in Teams.
- The Moodle version to be introduced in the summer of 2021 enables OneDrive and Moodle to be used together.
- The information collected by Moodle about the student’s activities can be used in student guidance, as it is individual. The same information can also be viewed as group and workspace-specific reports and analytics charts. Teams’ analytics only provides group-specific analytics data – the only student-specific data is assignment return.
- There is an integration between Peppi and Moodle, which allows you to create workspaces and automatically connect teachers and students approved for the implementation to workspaces.
- From the point of view of information management, Moodle also enables the processing of confidential information, such as verbal evaluations and performances. Teams is currently not suitable for processing confidential information in accordance with HAMK’s data classification principles.
- Teams can be used, for example, for community work on learning tasks during the module. The final assignments are always returned to Moodle so that the information on which the assessment is based can be stored in accordance with the regulations.
- The evaluation of study courses must always be recorded in Peppi.
Comparison of Moodle and Teams usage possibilities and limitations
Function | Moodle | Teams |
Student supervision / learning analytics | accurate personal information available | only general general information, no student-specific log information |
View and structure | order freely editable,
several layout options available |
channel titles forcibly alphabetized. Channels have contents and tabs |
Communication | one bulletin board discussion area in workspace, others can be added | forced general discussion area on every channel |
Applications | a wide range of standard applications | by default only task and quiz |
Additional applications,
eg Thinglink |
by embedding anything | a rich selection of add-ons can cause chaos in the student view |
Accessibility | ReadSpeaker plugin in use | in assignments and contents Advanced reading program available to the student. Reading the channel list? |
Mobile use | responsive + mobile app, also works on phone | mobile app, phone screen too small |
Assessment | accumulates in the gradebook | accumulates on the Grades page |
Storage of evaluation-related material | regular backups,
stored for at least 18 months |
no backup,
unused team loses after 6 months |
Trash can | 6 months, the teacher can return it himself | 3 months, the teacher can return it himself |
Location of confidential material and environmental maintenance | in HAMK’s computer room, managed by HAMK and the Finnish Mediamaisteri Oy | Microsoft’s cloud service, which operates (as a rule) in the EU region |
Processing of confidential material | can be processed | can’t be processed |
Student enrolment | Those accepted in Peppi are automatically transferred to Moodle | completely handmade |
Interactive working | requires switching to another service | meetings and live chats |
Plagiarism checker | integrated, Urkund/Ouriginal service enabled | integrable, would require purchase of Turnitin service (competing service to Urkund/Ouriginal) |
Teacher’s instructions
Student instructions
Brief instructions for using HAMK Moodle
Student’s Guide
Brief instructions for using HAMK Moodle
Mobile use
HAMK’s Moodle can be used mobile via a browser. The contents are placed on the screen of all devices
In this regard, you can complete the competence mark (only HAMK staff):
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