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- Moodle Dashboard
- Uploading the video to Kaltura via Moodle
- Moodle courses for modules can be built in different ways
- Sharing the Kaltura video in Moodle
- Moodle – the Official Learning Environment at HAMK
- Grouping of Kaltura’s videos
- Establishing the Moodle course area
- Kaltura video as part of a message in the Moodle discussion area or a video as an assignment return
- ReadSpeaker tool
- Sorting and searching for Kaltura’s own videos from the My Media listing
- Using the letters scale in the grading book
- Using Kaltura videos in Moodle
- Display your open badges in Moodle
- The student returns the Kaltura video to the Moodle assignment
- Using the Wave plugin
- Editing your own Moodle home page
- More accessible Moodle content with styles
- Moodle’s trash can
- Student’s Guide for Moodle
- The use of the Siteimprove plugin in assessing the accessibility of the Moodle workspace
- Moodle groups and groupings
- Edit Profile or Preferred Language in Moodle
- Using Moodle’s image gallery
- Moodle evaluation matrix
- Zoom LTI Pro Activity in Moodle
- Kaltura’s analytics tools help with student guidance
- H5P tasks can be used flexibly from the content bank
- Course areas and enrollment in Moodle
- How to create a long-term link for an occuring Teams meeting
- Adding users to Moodle workspaces
- Joining a Zoom meeting
- Activity monitoring in Moodle
- Building a Moodle workspace: adding assignments and content
- Hybrid learning – online and face-to-face
- Progress monitoring in Moodle (Completion Progress block)
- Assignment evaluation in Moodle
- Embedding Videos to Moodle as Kaltura Video Resource
- Moodle’s Kaltura Media Gallery